Deadline Extension

March 27, 2021

We’ve received multiple feedback from bloggers and managers saying that resetting a blogger’s deadline is probably not the best approach when it comes to asking/granting more time for a post. Main reason here is that bloggers rarely need their deadlines to be fully reset to their initial full length. Most often – blogger just needs a couple more days to finish her post. So it was proposed to substitute Deadline Reset with Deadline Extend where blogger could simply ask for her deadline to be extended by X more days past deadline’s end date. And today’s update brings you exactly this.

Now bloggers can ask for their deadlines to be extended by creating a blogging assignment change request as before – from your Posting Deadlines area in your Dashboard (click red X icon at the end of a deadline). If a manager agrees to your request – your deadline will be extended by X days so you can deliver your artwork without rushing and losing on quality.

Managers can also grant a deadline extension even without blogger’s assignment change request. Simply open your active blogger’s profile and from Deadlines tab – do the desired tweaks.

By default each brand will have a maximum of 15 days per one blogging assignment change request that bloggers can ask. However Brand’s owners can change this in their settings in both directions. It’s located under Brand->Settings

PS. Exception here is Blogotex’s Event Edition where deadlines cannot be extended past their initial end date.